From the Archive
"Superman Art Event!!"
In celebration of 75 years of Superman, Acme Comics & Toys in Longwood, FL is hosting a Superman Art Event on Saturday, 06/01/13. Being that I work thereĀ it only felt right to contribute. In the end I went with modern takes on first appearances of both Parasite and Metallo.
I really like the modern look of Parasite, who doesn’t dig drawing fat monsters?!
And as for Metallo, what an absurd first appearance. That’s actual dialog from his meeting with Lois Lane. For this take I just went with the skinless, modern look of today’s Metallo. No home would be complete without one. Just watch out for those door knobs!
In the end I really enjoyed doing these and for the first time, in a long time, using colored pencils.
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Very Mint Comics is a collaborative webcomic effort comprised of different artists doing different thangs on different days. Come for the daily updates, stay for the ever-growing archive of hilarious, not-hilarious, and down-right devastating comics.