- Thanks for the Laughs, David
- Rebooting 3
- Rebooting 2
- But I Was Busy
- Placeholding
- Placeholding
- The Ballcaps of Western Kansas
- Get Over It
- A trip to Big S Burgers
- Tax Planning 1.05
- Orangeface
- Tax Planning 1.04
- Reading is Fundamental
- Tax Planning 1.03
- Tax Planning 1.02
- Quadtriptych Part 1
- Don't Read the Words Out Loud
- Tax Planning 1.01
- There's a Med For That
- Birds and Squirrel Brouhaha
- Seasonal Schizo: Marysville, KS
- Knee Deep
- First World Problems
- Wa Za
- L'd'l Newt's Static Mixer
- "The Jumping Off Place" 13
- "The Jumping Off Place" 11
- "The Jumping Off Place" 11
- "The Jumping Off Place" 10
- "The Jumping Off Place" 9
- "The Jumping Off Place" 8
- L'd'l Newt's Static Placeholder
- "The Jumping Off Place" 7
- "The Jumping Off Place" 6
- "The Jumping Off Place" 5
- "The Jumping Off Place" 4
- "The Jumping Off Place" 3
- "The Jumping Off Place" 2
- "The Jumping Off Place"
- True Dat
- Do de dum dum doop de doo
- Someone Get This Kid a Calendar
- Happy Newt Year!
- And a Happy New Year
- Peace Out
- Thanks, Jim
- You Don't Spit in the Wind.
- Effin Eagle
- No Post Today
- The Mysterious Mr. Keezer
- Public Service Announcement
- Hiatus Schmiatus
- Granny HaHa 1.3: Way Ha!
- Granny HaHa 1.2: All Bull, All the Time
- Granny HaHa 1.1: Everything Old is New Again
- WWW 1.4: Everybody Votes
- Ba Dum Bum 1.7
- Ba Dum Bum 1.6
- Ba Dum Bum 1.5
- Ba Dum Bum 1.4
- Ba Dum Bum 1.3
- Ba Dum Bum 1.2
- Ba Dum Bum 1.1
- King o' the World 1.12: They Grow Up So Fast
- Any Port in a Storm
- Cartoon Convention part 2
- Cartoon Convention part 1
- Place Setter
- WWW 1.3: Maximizing Monetizing
- well, thank you very much
- King o' the World 1.11: Props to Freddie Mercury
- King o' the World 1.10: Metaphysical Quizzical
- King o' the World 1.9: Too Much Information
- King o' the World 1.8: Special Thanks to All My Very Mint Colleagues. (Please don't sue me.)
- King o' the World 1.7: Back in the Saddle
- Ain't it the Truth
- WWW 1.2: Too Much Newt?
- WWW 1.1: Lumping It
- King o' the World 1.6: Good Question
- King o' the World 1.5
- King o' the World 1.4
- King o' the World 1.3
- King o' the World 1.2
- King o' the World 1.1
- Creative Processing
- No Chillability.
- Wally is Wuv
- Opening Salvo
I’ve got a big fat FYI for you here. I hated like crazy to interrupt the ongoing story that’s been running for the last few weeks, but when one’s hard drive crashes then all plans are rendered moot. I ‘d like to send a big shout-out to Todd Schwartz for his last-minute assist on getting this week’s entry posted. Thanks also to Noah Rodenbeek for helping me find the admin entrance to the site, along with other technical info that vanished with the hard drive. I’ve got good back-up, so barring any further misshaps I should be back on track by next week. Incidently, the above strip is the first one I’ve posted without the benefit of backend computer tweaks. Any compositional flaws or unerased pencil lines are because I had to go with the last minute raw scans, again through the auspices of the inimitable Todd. Long may he wave!
Kudos to You and Todd for “Art Bravery”, way beyond the call of duty! I’m so sorry to learn of the “Crash”, something that scares the hell out of Me! BTW, great offering this week and thanks for clearing up the true meaning of Art for Me!
QK! (and thanks.)