February 21, 2012

22 responses to “Opening Salvo”

  1. David Butterfield says:

    Hello. I’m David Butterfield. I did that long scroll you had to manipulate to get down here to read this. Thank you for looking at my first post. I’m not done yet. There will be more every Tuesday. Come back. I’ll make cake.

  2. Rube Sanchez says:

    This has never happened to me and I hope it never does. Birds can be scary. Thanks for the safety tip, Billy Bo xoxoxo nice job moving that pencil

  3. Bailey Slater says:

    Happy to see more of your stuff, David! I’ll keep this on my list of things to check. Do you guys plan on setting up some kind of RSS feed?

    • David Butterfield says:

      That’s a great idea. I don’t know enough about the magic box to do it yet, but I have access to great minds. and I’ll pass it on. Many thanks, Bailey.

  4. Eric Lowrey says:

    David this is beautiful and funny and a work of a magical mind.

    • David Butterfield says:

      I love that comment. I want to put that comment on the back cover of my first book. Thanks, Eric, but could you do me a favor please? If you could just change your name to “Eisner Awards”, then that quote would have even more impact. Thanks, man. This would make you even ginchier than Rube, who I would totally demote from ginchiest.

  5. the blonde says:

    I don’t get it. hehehehehehe

    • David Butterfield says:

      Just wait. I’ll post some stuff that even I don’t understand soon; stuff that makes this page read like “Dick and Jane.” I do all this in the interest of never making a living with my art. I’m really good at it, too. Thanks.

  6. Matt says:

    This is fantastic! Very imaginative and totally up my alley. I’m looking forward to more!

  7. David Butterfield says:

    Hello, Matt. Thanks. I can’t wait to show more of my pages here. I have spent most of my life having an audience of maybe twenty-five people at a time, and the page views for this piece have already far exceeded that. (I guess no one can accuse me of having spread my wings prematurely.) Your words of encouragement have given me a real boost, and I hope I continue to please in the future.

  8. Barboo of Oz says:

    It is charming. It is terrifying. Also, horrifying. Also cute. Also, the head flailing is expertly done. I do not think it means anything, and that is a relief because if it did I would be very worried. It is enough to go through the experience, enjoy the whimsical style – especially those whirly-eyed little birds – and at the end be able to say: “Whew! I’m glad that’s one bad thing that can’t happen!”

    • David Butterfield says:

      Oh Great and Powerful Barboo, I thank thee. Whimsy is my bread and butter. Design is my meat. Drawing is my cheese and writing is my mayonnaise. I’m still working on the pickle.

  9. Enzo says:

    Digging all the different styles here.
    NST has me anxious to see more. Good Tuesay, Dave!

    • David Butterfield says:

      Today was my second post. I hope you enjoyed it. I love playing with the language of words and pictures. It’s not all stories for boys.

  10. KingCommie says:

    I dig the use of the browser as medium. Nice one.

    • David Butterfield says:

      Thank you, your majesty. I also thank Scott McCloud, who brought the technique to my attention in “Reinventing Comics”. I will be exploring it more, if the art fits. The web is a wonderful canvas.

  11. jlb says:

    As always, your work is impeccably crafted. I’m glad to see you opening up your head and letting your art fly into the void. Congratulations!

  12. Many times the articles I find are so difficult to understand, it seems I need a college degree just to understand the writer. Thanks for making the information on your page so easy to understand. http://www.samsung1080phdtv.net/

  13. David Butterfield says:

    You’re welcome. May I call you Sam? Although clarity is far from my most striking feature, I do try to provide all the information (or clues) to read each piece. Sometimes lingering a little does help, though. It’s a constant battle to decide just how many bones I need to throw to make each piece accessible. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

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