- Unfortunate Funnies: Peking Tom
- Unfortunate Funnies: Speculacon '98
- Unfortunate Funnies: 7 Years Bad Luck
- Unfortunate Funnies: Pretty Is As Pretty Does
- Unfortunate Funnies: SHULVR
- Jimi Pukko on expression...
- Jimi is there for the free food.
- Jimi on the elderly...
- Dolphin In Therapy is going to be cathartic for you...
- SHERO is here...representing a bold, new era in super-HERoics!
- Jimi on gardening...
- Jimi Pukko: Angry Youth Philosopher, ladies & gentlemen...
- Obelisk: Take 5
- Obelisk: Pg. 5 "I Can Sense The Power"
- Obelisk, Page 1
This tweet stolen (er…used with artistic license) from the feed of my pal @nuthousepunks. He’s funny and often bitching…which is probably why I feel a kinship with him. 🙂 The bitching, not the funny part.
Were you and Erin at our wedding reception during karaoke time? Brent and I did our wedding dance to Teufel singing Wonderful Tonight. Oh man it was something special.