- End of the Rope.
- Two Weeks 'Til the End.
- Pin-up Saturday "Charile Horse"
- Definitely a Clam.
- Cat or Clam.
- Pre-Heating the Warm Welcome.
- Balloons from the Underground.
- Beginning the Rule.
- Spark to the Warm Welcome.
- New Lucy.
- Delightful Expansion.
- Cliff.
- Up, Up and Away.
- Cliff.
- Well from Hell.
- Strange Passer-By.
- A Matter of Time.
- Equilateral Triangle
- The Self Aware Balloon & A Birthday Cyborg Named Flint.
- Lucy & the Underground.
- Possession of Charlie Horse.
Pencil work?!
Inks are soon to follow (day or two?) and once done will be posted.
As well, what you see now is the style I’m gunning for. Unfortunately, many pages from
the past were the result of poor time management. Many often occurring the night before.
It’s not to say I don’t love the material, just never was my best.
From here on out, this is were I’m gonna be, giving you all the best possible end of the world I know how to.
So, here we go, let’s see this lovely crumble.