Late and sometimes lacking, “We Are Destruction” has certainly been, and remains, a learning experience. A great thanks to all who came to have a look see. Time to reel in the strange world that began with Charlie Horse, Lucy, Birthday, Clint, Flint and Friend the self aware balloon. Looking forward to gathering this mess into a coherent story to be released down the line as book one of “We Are Destruction”.
While this is the end of the line for WAD, I’m looking forward to January’s new set of strips. Here’s to the coming winter months and the stories they’ll produce in preparation of 2013 at Very Mint Comics.
Cheers, Gang!
Enzo Garza
- End of the Rope.
- Two Weeks 'Til the End.
- Pin-up Saturday "Charile Horse"
- Definitely a Clam.
- Cat or Clam.
- Pre-Heating the Warm Welcome.
- Balloons from the Underground.
- Beginning the Rule.
- Spark to the Warm Welcome.
- New Lucy.
- Delightful Expansion.
- Cliff.
- Up, Up and Away.
- Cliff.
- Well from Hell.
- Strange Passer-By.
- A Matter of Time.
- Equilateral Triangle
- The Self Aware Balloon & A Birthday Cyborg Named Flint.
- Lucy & the Underground.
- Possession of Charlie Horse.
I was looking forward to the end of the world. I was hoping it would come before April 15th. (I’ll send you a bill.)